Noiz is actually the most relatable character in dmmd because if my parents named me fucking WILHELM I too would move to the opposite side of the planet and become the epitome of everything they could consider disappointing
I fucking hate the rot. I feel like I'm rotting. parts of me are dying. I can't keep any of this up. I don't even know what I need any more. I just need everything to stop. time to freeze for a day. that would be plenty. I just need time, time to think, time to use, time to do nothing. god I need a break. and not to be the "oh no one understands me" guy but no one fucking gets it. no one fucking gets it and I can't take this any more.
I HAVE !!! a tutorial for how to hack a psp rom which seems like it would work with kamiaso. here's to hoping. but I think I'm going to do it at home when I have a decent amount of time because this is the kind of thing which you need to get stuck into.
shit i fucked upppp I fear I may have accidentally fallen onto the koujaku route instead of the Noiz route like pls girl he was the one guy who was off limits fish called dibs. I will try to remedy this, thankfully there are a whole lot of save files in this game (like you can save actual hundreds of locations) so I can go back. HOwever I wanna be sure that I've gone wrong before I do that.
finished the dmmd ova. by allah you people are dogs. I need to continue playing the game it really feels like more context and a better understanding of the full plot will make those endings seem more... something. because thing is imo dmmd has earned the benefit of the doubt. I trust that they know what they're doing, and I trust that they will bring everything together in a coherent and meaningful way. so far the game has been immensely better than the anime, and it overall feels a whole lot more complete. I will restate opinions when I finish the game
yall そらる said he was going to be streaming "god games" and listen the odds are near zero but last time when he was streaming horror games it was coinicdentally like my favourite game ever. yall what if it's kamiaso. it won't be and there is like a 0% chance it is but like what if. i would never recover
I want an ipod but like the slightly newer ones so i can take pictures and type on it. i have no reason for this except yay yippee
FIGURED OUT HOW TO PUT .ISO FILES ON PSP!!! i got corpse party because it's a small file and I heard it's good. i am not playing it rn but i think i might tonight. it's kinda giving another.
I miss dramatical murder (guy who started watching the OVAS yesterday and now needs to purge his sins thoroughly)
the disparity between psp questions on quora and the psp subreddit is astounding. you go on quora and you have someone saying psp won't charge :((( and everyone's like its joever unfortunately. chuck it in the trash and buy a new one. and then you head over to reddit and they're like is it currently on fire this second? no? don't worry there's an easy fix for that then ♡ so first you want to turn the thing inside out with the precision of a robot
ok so i saw a blinkie which said "porn is anti woman" and girl that is a very confusing stance to me. "porn" is such a vast category of material. where do you draw the line? is smut fanfiction/books anti woman? why? who is getting hurt? i don't think that's what they meant. if we're sticking to visual mediums, then are sexy firefighter calendars anti woman? does that count as porn? if we stick to person on person action, is hentai crossing the line? no one is having sex, they're just voice actors. is that anti woman? then if we go to the strict live action people having sex but filmed. if everyone present is over the age of 18 and consenting and doing so out of their own free will, how is anyone getting hurt? there are laws about this kind of thing. there is a whole job called intimacy coordinator to ensure no one abuses their position. let people do what they want with their bodies. and if it's the content you're mad about, what is wrong with it? it's fiction. nothing of it is real. if you're policing the content of film, where do you stop? should we just bring back the hays code? policing media is very much not something you want to do if you want to be progressive. also what the fuck does "anti woman" even MEAN girl ?? anyways no thought crime is a crime and go watch all the porn you want. literally who cares. its all fake anyways.
successfully acquired the drrm game!! censored version for ps vita. dislike how they toned down the violence too but girl i choose this over anime dick
my mom says that my essay writing style is too "verbose". like omg mom dont you realise that if i use fancier words all the women will think i am awesome and have a huge dick 눈_눈
my blog post on 21/06/24 lowkey haunts me. things really did start going downhill last summer didn't they huh. the dramatic shift in vibes during the hiatus is painfully visible. why have i been cursed to hell and back this year it's astounding?? there have been so many terrible external events which have happened recently and it basically started the day of the rentrée its so bizarre. i cannot wait for this year to be over man i need to leave this superhell
shout out to bitte bitte by raum27. i see u down bad german boy
horrid realization. i have spent a large portion of my life arbitrarily shitting on german music (because my german teachers had awful taste) but i gave it a genuine try out of pure desperation recently and. its really good yall. filme by herbst is making it on my 2025 spotify top 100 im calling it godd that song. also this is benifical to my germal levels prolly. i will be quadrilingual if its the last thing i do.
yall should i play the dramatical murder game (THE CENSORED PSP VERSION!! sorry babes i'm not strong enough to see anime dick. good for aoba but girl i don't need to see that)
girl when i say i lowkey adore dramatical murder (the anime)??????? i expected it to be solidly mid because kamiaso has severely tainted my view of anything produced by b's-log but GIRLLLLLL why is this show lowkey a banger. the aesthetics are off the charts and beyond compare i love it sooo much. also bc its yaoi i expected it to be like all romance but it involves pleasently little romance (guy who is aro disappointed if romance show includes romance). im on episode 5 but i actually really really like it would recommend so far lowkey.
if there is one thing which i fucking despise the most on this planet its people infanilizing me. I've never liked it. its fucking godawful. but people do it ALL THE FUCKING TIME. just because I'm a tad clumsy and forgetful maybe?? also i make bad jokes sometimes??? i don't even know what makes me such a target for it but this happens all the fucking time. like yeah i might act a smidge immature at times. do you have any fucking idea how hard it was to learn this lightheartedness. I had to fucking teach myself to smile and laugh and now I'm mocked for it. it is so exhausting how it feels like everyone just assumes I've never had a bad day in my life just because I don't take some things seriously. hate to be the stereotype of "no one gets me" but genuinely it feels like no one actually understands the extent of just how low i got at one point. it also feels like no one really understands the road of getting back from that place, of learning how to smile and laugh again, of learning to live with yourself, of realizing for just how long you'd been wishing that you'd stumble into the road and that it would be quick, and one day realizing that now if the train was coming you'd move. and how i now feel like I will forever be teetering on this edge, and the feeling that if something comes my way, I may fall again.
tis evening and i am back to feeling shitty. I have this friend irl who I only befriended out of pity (i was nice to her once and it feels like she worships me) and i don't know how to tell her she's fucking annoying lowkey. she is so exhausting to have around and has no concept of social norms. I kinda see myself in her but like my past self yknow. I had a friend who went through the ordeal (which i now know to have been torturous) of teaching me to act normal in public where teachers and my parents failed me, so i can see that she needs someone like that, but just never got them. I don't wanna be that person girl i am holding on by a thread.
je déteste quand je lis un scan de manga en français et ils choisissent une police qui n'a pas de c cédille. c vraiment pas difficile svp il y a des milliers de polices qui éxistent et tu n'a pas pu en choisir un seul. je sais que je ne devrais pas me pleindre et que c qqun qui fait ça gratuitement et tout mais pls c vraiment pas difficile
I don't believe in fate but I do believe its against me
really tragic happenings rn but we're not going to talk about that. anyways lets talk about celebrity culture and the concept of a trap because i am mad rn. i was watching the music video for まふまふ's 女の子になりたい (just imagine will wood's i/me/myself but in japanese) and as per usual his voice is super impressive and it is amazing how well and quickly he can switch from a masc presentig voice to a fem one. but for some reason there were a bunch of comments like "TRAP LMAO" and stuff like that and just generally being super weird. i already don't like the term trap because it feels transphobic af, but this is just on another level. that is not an anime character you are talking about. that is a human being who has a life of his own. so what if he has a non conventional gender expression. i do not believe a single human being could ever be considered a trap imo. like, look at finnster. notorious/famous for dressing as a girl on twitch, what i assume people would call a "trap". turns out they're genderfluid. let people present their gender however they want and im not surprised まふまふ is incredibly private about his life with how yall act. get a grip and be normal about a celebrity for once
whenever i learn something in japanese i will always take note on how to sound more masculine. i think i may finally work up the courage to present as male in japan because it works well as a fresh start ig. i will absolutely do the same thing in new zealand too but that's more difficult for voice reasons but we soldier on. you best bet im ending my sentences with よ instead of わ
working on my powerpoint of things i find cool again btw. on it is kamiaso and i don't think I can justly talk about it without talking about how the loki romance route is a genuinely good and interesting portrayal of grief so, in true kamiaso fashion, we are getting deep and then tonal whiplashing back to diy bicycles and sensual apple pudding.
somehow convinced my youtube algorithm that I wanted to learn korean??? wrong language hunny
computers are the absolute worst i am so mad rn
i find a lot of study websites with analyses of poems and books so strange, because for the vast majority of them, you can see exactly zero passion for the text being analyzed shine through the anaylsis. it's so strange to me. why are you writing this if you clearly don't particularly care for the book.
everyone go to right now and look at the books section. it is one of the most baffling selections of books thrown together ever
guyz 1m g01ng t0 fuck1n scr34m (y34s 1 4m typ1ng l13k d1s 4g41n bc 1 w4nn4) MY D4D 1Z G01NG T0 TH3 US N3XT W33K S0 H3 S41D 1 C0ULD SH1P STUFF FR0M H0T T0P1C 2 H1M WH1L3 H3'S TH3R3 BUT TH31R Z1M H00D13S 4R3 S0LD 0UT. 1M S0 S0 S4D 4BT D1S DUD3 1 W4NT TH4T H00D1E S00000000 B4DDDDDDD
im boredddddddddd i wanna talk 2 someone but all my friends are offline and i did the stupid thing of actually caring about my mental health and grades by leaving social media so i cant doomscroll. now i have so much time to fill but im so bored im tired
yes leaving social media has like marginally improved my attention span but like not much. overrated deadass. also i miss the socializationnnnn goddd. not being on social media feels so lonely i miss talking to people i miss throwing my drawings into obscurity
godddd i missed seargeant's creepy ass
also i have continued with my japanese progress and lowkey im girlbossing at this i wanna know how html treats japanese. 俺はお母さんと寝る
hi guys!! I'm about to get a whooole lot more active over here from now on. life updates:
- left tumblr because it was affecting my grades and i gotta grind, its the last year of school (terrifying concept)
- GOT A CAT!!!! his name is dionysus billiardtable sonic world destroyer the 9th (billy for short) and is currently 5 months old!!
- many tragic occurences hit (third person who is close to me just got sent to hospital last week. that's three in 6 months and thats barely scraping the tip of the iceberg)
- lowkey may have slightly come out as not straight last night to my parents because of jessica rabbit. we live in a strange timeline
anyways, since I left tumblr i have hated how i cannot blare my thoughts to the world, it feels awful just keeping them pent up like this. so, back to neocities!!! if this takes up too much of my time I will leave again but for now hi!! I'm back!! and probably going to put this site through massive renovations!!!
I'm not a system i just very much enjoy being percieved as multiple people. like. labels cannot contain me. classifications cannot ocntian me. it is hubris to even try. I'm me and that is beyond anything which could ever be contained in a single short and snappy word. that's why i keep adding names. Jordan / Hermes / Ba'al. that's me. beyond a single name. because can anyone really be contained in a name? something as short as that?? no way. i guess the trans community puts more importance on names than the cis community, as we chose them ourselves.
i havent forgotten about this!! it's just been a lot lmao. i've gotten back int o norse mythology and am working on nevar written backwards again. thinking of opening a completely different site deidcated entirely to depicitons of loki in media. we'll see.
penis lmao
BLOG UPDATED!!! LETS GOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I THINK THAT'S THE MAJORITY OF THE BIG PAGES DOWN!!!! I need to update the links, the blinkies and piracy dot html but after that it think I'm DONE
SUMMER HOLIDAYS!! IM FREE!!!!! this afternoon I' mgoing with chuck, taylor and allan to the cinema! we're going to watch inside out 2!! it's going to be great!!! after that we're going to five guys, i love five guys so much!! all is good!! but mainly summer holidays!!! freedom!! my weekend is suuuuuuuuuuper packed, but new doctor who tomorrow!! I LITERALLY CANNOT WAIT!! THE FINALE!!! all together, everything is going well!! life is good!!
ok so yesterday I told mr Stark about my problems. and halfway through our meeting PIdgeon (idk if I mentioned him, THE GUY I LIKE) showed up in the film room clearly not realizing what the meeting was about and so I was like a breath away from crying and he just goes and works on his film project??? he eventually realised "oh. maybe I shouldn't have showed up" and left and thanks for respecting my privacy dude. but for a few minutes it was absolutely wild because I was confiding in mr stark that I thought I might have adhd and he was just. click click??
nah bro I need to actually stop telling people about how ROdger asked out my sister over genshin impact I am going to ruin his reputation forever. but it's so fucking funny
the person who said "if your straight a's child all of a sudden has their grades drop maybe consider getting them adderall or hrt" person was literally right I need both of those like immediately please
oh also turns out I'm on my school's list for "ppl who clearly have SOMETHING undiagnosed going on" X_X 1. girl when were you going to tell me 2. yeah. I picked up on that too. it's basically an unspoken (or spoken) truth in all of my friend groups that I'm some flavour of audhd. talking to my autistic maths teacher is such a vibe tho because she'll be like "oh we need to get you a good pen for exams, how about this one? *takes pen out of my pencil case*" and I will be like "nah, it has bad vibes" and she will totally get what I'm saying and just be like "aight we'll get you some new pens". she's sending me on a mission to find a perfect pen and then she's going to get the maths department to buy some in bulk so she's sure we have enough when the exams roll around. idk why Taylor hates her so much she's literally the best teacher in the school
one of these days I'm going to have to just admit to myself that 13 year old me was right and I am genderfluid
got a few exam grades back and they're. uh. not good. I got a 5 in geography, 4 in physics and 3 in french paper 2 (but I think that's wrong. she's made the mistake before and she will do it again.) idk what to think. I don't like it. the gifted kid burnout is real and it's getting to me. I need to talk to mr stark about it (the teacher in question looks like tony stark but gay (hes gay) so that's what im calling him from now on), see if he has any advice. but I don't know what I need. maybe he might. best talk about it.
I kinda want a complete site revamp. something a bit more chaotic. also I need a sitemap.
the michelle gomez window is fucked up (┬┬﹏┬┬) need to fix it
tumblr doctor who fandom will put the strangest things on my dash. what the hell is this
well, maybe I'm just aromantic and we as a society are not taught to platonically appreciate women and I feel platonical attraction to Missy doctor who. then again maybe posting at 11pm that I want her to step on me is not something you do to friends but I have gotten a friend to sit on me once. being asexual is. weird.
when I tell you that this theatre tab has literally frozen my firefox like three times
reverse engineering a sssniperwolf video is harder than it looks. this is all for a reason i swear.
oh the things I do for the bit (tm)
new divider!! lets goo!! not 100% on this one either, but it's here now!! one day I'll find a perfect rainbow star divider (delusional)
I really like the fandom blog's aesthetic. it just feels... peaceful. tranquil. life is good. I need to separate these pages more, which unfortunately means these planets may have to go in exchange for another divider. not happy about that btw. I'll find a way to keep them, or at least something similar.
I am actually SO CLOSE to a funcional thoschei shrine!! it might genuinely be out before my exams finsih!! is gthat telling of how i am spenidng my time? yes. no apologies. (will regret this later)
sometimes being the piracy friend in your friend group means downloading and sending youtube videos of peter capaldi in drag because your friends get blocked in their countries, and I think that's beautiful.
I'm looking back on old discord messages with Sofi and Julian. and jesus christ do I miss them. Sure, I hated Julian with a burning passion at times, when it was just contantly venting and being negative with no seeming source. it had many many issues. I wasn't happy at the time. so why do I miss it? why do I miss her too? most of my time was spent cursing them both under my breath. was I not happy? no, no i wasn't. then why do I miss them? why do I wish that server was back? julian was right. it made the right choice by leaving the server. it was doing us all more harm than good. and yet I want it back so bad. I want them all back so bad. because I was annoyed. I was so so annoyed. I was the one to break it off first. I left the servers angry. I came back. I held a will they won't they. but isn't that telling of how unhappy I was? that I wanted to leave those servers, flee, never come back again? isn't there written evidence of me getting so much happier when I was gone? online frinedships leave so many paper trails. they're only paper trails. they seep into everything, because you're never alone. how do you fill your time? tlak to friends. I need frineds again. not just chuck, taylor, mando, chicken, the others. people who are like me. none of them are like me. closest thing I have to that is Mack, but they're just a tumblr mutual. I need to develop that friendship. I need to do the same with all my other mutuals. I won't be happy otherwise.
yall whatever you do don'tgo on the neocities code editor on your phone it's cursed. anyways, exams went bad. how bad is only just hitting me now. I thought it was paper 1 today for history, buf it was actuallypaper 2, which requires a lot more content which I havent thought about in months. it was bad. really bad.
jesus fucking christ i am so gay

I need missy doctor who to kiss me on the lips and maybe step on me wait what who said that
Exams are tomorrow I need to drop off the face of the earth i cannot write this english oral for the life of me
I dislike space cults. "embrace your soul's connection to the stars" gril NO I want to UNDERSTANd the stars. the world out there is beautiful and real and not something to make a cult around. I see the kind of thing like heaven's gate (and maybe whatever the vega collective has going on, idk if it's sarcasm or real but I get bad vibes) the worst bastardization of space possible. and, for some reason, the old web seems to be the opportune place for space cults? I assume it's the lack of moderation. that's my main concern which makes me uncomfortable on the old web. how much shit you can get away with without someone pointing out "hey, that's off". even on social media, where this is still a problem, you can still get caught out by a post questioning your values. the scope is larger, you can still get into contact with others. but the old web? your personal forum? holy shit, can oyu get away with things. this has happened time and time again. remember snapewives? I doubt that would have gotten that far if it was hosted on something like tiktok. or maybe I'm wrong. maybe this is a problem everywhere. thing is, about the internet, you meet so many more people, and it's much easier to hole yourself off in your echochamber. what were we talking about? oh yeah, space cults. i am not part of one. I jove hte aesthetic of the heaven's gate site, and that is a problem, because I don't want to be associated with them. cults are dangerous. VERY dangerous. and they deeply concern me. I guess I'm scared of falling into one myself. but these things never end well. heck, maybe even religion as a concept can have a lot of bad repercussions. but I don't want to sound woke libtard atheist rn but it strikes me as weird. I wish they were gone. vega collective dni or something, unless it's all a joke. but it feels very very far for a joke. your soul isn't connected to the stars. they donot control your life. consider what this would look like from an outsider POV. they are usually more right than you'd think.
considering a complete top to bottom site revamp. something which is more my own. I'm absolutely going ot lean even further into the space aethetic, and porbably make navigation easier, because the fandom blog is a bit messy. better earlier than later, makes it easier to replace things en masse.
oughhhhh the dysmorphia is getting worse. I'm wearing a binder which I managed to sneak past my parents at christmas time by cliaming it was gift which arrived in the mail (thank you tumblr, that trick works really well), but I can't wear that all day. it's 6 hours max for minors, and only 8 for adults. that's a school day minus the transport time. this isn't sustainable I need top surgery. like Imperatively. and I hate my hips I hate how feminine they are I hate it I hate it I hate it. why was I born in this fucking body.
my curse strikes again, 123guestbook is shutting down. I'm going to have to change my guestbook up completely. thankfully there are only a few messages in there. I might just have to screenshot the old one?? maybe I will be able to transfer the messages somehow? Ill figure it out. probably going to use ayano's comment widget.
142 indvidual visitors and none of yall told me that there was only one episode in the angels take manhatan "duo" I've been talking about for weeks, what do I even run this blog for (joke)
am I mad that I found two fawlty towers blinkies completely by accident before I found a single doctor who one despite looking really hard? yes, yes I am. I am a doctor who fan first and a john cleese fan like ninth. I'm going to have to start making my own.
switching from catbox to, hopefully this works better now!! also, what they don't tell you about blinkie dumps is that they take a WHILE to make
ough the dysmorphia is hitting hard. I'm so tired of being a girl because I'm not. I'm a boy. I'm a boy. I'm a boy. there's no other way of saying it, I'm a boy. I'm tired of having to pretend to be a girl, of answering my deadname when asked. anyone who really knows me already subconsciously slips me out of the gender binary. I get seen as a guy by kids. I want to be able to wear my binder in public but my days are too long and washing it without my parents finding out is impossible. I want to be a boy openly. I want the world to see me as Jordan. I'm tired of my deadname. One day I'm going to get out of here. I need top surgery so bad. I really cannot wait until I'm old enough. I want my chest gone immediately. I want to have been born male. I want people to realise I'm a guy. I need it. I'm tired of pretending I'm not.
alright, strange issues with the blinkie page. half of them broke. Just bam, gone. so I host my files on, and I assumed that was the problem, but like it was only half or so which broke? and the other half were fine?? they were all hosted on catbox, but only some got hit. when I turned my vpn on, they all loaded fine, and when I turned the vpn off again and reloaded it, it still loaded. the songs on the will wood page also broke, but again, reloaded that specific page with my vpn and then turned the vpn off and all was right in the world. what's up with that? if it doesn't work for you, PLEASE tell me, so I can do something about it.
there is a fuckton to be said abot Missy and the aromantic experience. might go insane on the the fandom blog later
trying to keep my blinkies rare. my ass is on
I know I have like six billion things to do but what if I made a blinkie dump
yall let's be real for a sec. not to sound like the dreaded blue hair sjw, but how much of the backlash towards ghosbusters (2016) was just misogyny. because I think it was a fair chunk. it was a perfectly good movie, there were just a bunch of ppl angry that it was no longer their precious male fantasy. because it's literally the exact same movie genderswapped. and ppl threw a fit because a guy was portrayed as a sexy idiot for once. however the french dub was definately backlash worthy, it was bad and I'll let yall have that
MY CODE WORKS NOW! so the site just got a fairly major upheaval: now, the fandoms page is more genrewal, and doesn't take you dierctly to the fandom blog. recs and shrines have been moved to fandoms, and recs have been made public even though they're not complete. also, completely new page: will wood extended essay! shrines still aren't uo, that's for another day.
nah I have no clue what I was on about last night, or why I chose to share the electric guitar anecdote. this is the quality content you came here for, I assume. anyways, I'm probably going to put the fandom page through heavy modifications, so instead of just being a fandom blog it also has other things. since I'm probably going to be doing my EE on Will Wood, I might post annotated songs in there, and also the whole thign I have palnned iwth the reconstruction of myspace and other insanity! who knows, I might even use my ao3 template to post fics there! who knows!
ever think about how easy it is for a whole civilization to fall into the ocean. what happened before the greek dark ages. what wrath of a god would be needed to destroy such a thing. I am severely behind on an asignment,
confession time bc it's late at night, when buying an electric guitar I was hoping iwht my entire heart and soul that they had a black one so I could be just like twelve. love that old man so fucking much.,
the forums page on the myspace template is almost ready! I had to rebuild this one completely from scratch, there was nothing aside from the profile on this template. is there a complete template out there somewhere? PROBABLY! MAYBE I'M WASTING MY TIME! BUT AT LEAST I'M LEARNING SOMETHIGN AND IT'S FUN!
THE MYSPACE TEMPLATE HAS BEEN MADE FUNCTIONAL!! that took TOO LONG askljskljhckjh. although it took a while, I have to give it to the template maker, the attention to detail is incredible. sure, I had to completely remake certain sections, but I would have never thought to inclue the copyright / faq / privacy / etc banner. smart. anyways, with the amount of time I spent on that, there's no going back, UNIT case files on the twelth doctor's time on earth here we come!!
i have spent significant amounts of time brushing up this myspace template to make it look even more like the real thing. why did I have this idea. why did I think this was a good way of writing a social media fic. why is this lowkey fun.
the melonland background music from the various sites is literally so perfect for studying omg
I had an idea which is either the smartest thing ever or the dumbest thing ever. you know those fics which are, like, a group of social media posts? always loved those. well, i've been collecting layouts in the links page (you may have noticed lol) and I realised that there are a lot of them which are designed to look like other social medias. so like. what if i did, like, a UNIT case file with snapshots of posts about the doctor on various sites through the ages? I think that would actually work really well lol. anyways, yet another big project I'm working on (SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE MY LAPTOP FROM ME AND REVOKE MY INTENRET ACCESS)
I said I was going to go for a quick walk before doing my homework and suddenly it was half an hour later and I was a whole town away. so yea I was gone for an hour and I still have three tasks (of which two essays) due tomorrow. let's hope all goes well lmao
houla je mets vraiment aucun effort quand j'écris en francais. bon, c pas comme si y'aura des autres francophones ici, j'arrive à peine à attirer les anglophones, alors on peut oublier mdr
faut vraiment que je parle en français plus souvent ici. depuis que jsuis en école privée je parle presque jamais français et j'ai vraiment pas envie de completement oublier comment parler ;-; en plus c pas ma langue maternelle, alors je parle même pas chez moi. et comme jsuis plus en école publique, maintenant mon registre familier n'est plus du tout à jour. jsavais même pas ce que c'était un 06 avant genre il y a deux mois ;-;
scored 5 / 11 in the official bbc 2023 specials doctor who quote quiz. excuse me while I delete my site and turn myself in as a fake fan
working on the thoschei shrine and I feel like I've been stumbling through the internet's back alley filled with trash bags in long since forgotten dumpsters and graffiti so ancient it could be considered cave paintings, while digging up blinkies which haven't seen the light of day outside blinkie dumps since the year of our lord 2003. anyways I found another blinkie dump to put in the links page!!
alright, I cleared the cache, we're good again!!
so I checked the view counter on my phone and it says 28 viewers?? what?? why isn't that showing up on my laptop??
also I can't tell if the view counter is busted or if no one is just showing up to this site ;-;
ppl keep waxing poetic about that have i been pwned site. every time i put my address in it it says I got pwned in a data breach from BEFORE MY EMAIL WAS EVEN CREATED?? like girliepop what?? also for accounts which i never created?? no I wasn't on neopets in 2016?? that address was created in like 2018/2019??
FINALLY finished the books section on the recs page! I might just publish it as is and add more media types later on, we'll see. i wanna watch the lair of the white worm. young peter capaldi has no effect on my brain because i am a completely heterosexual boy, yes sir, no thoughts about other men here!
if anyone is wondering about the deal with the "in progress" page, I speak with the register of a victorian child who sometimes gets posessed by the soul of a 2000s emo mid sentence, and it happened again
I REALLY want to make my website button be a parody of that "aquarium: GIRLS! GIRLS ! GIRLS! just kidding, pond fish" sign because that would be so fucking funny. should I do it.
trying a new look! it's not that different, except the purple is gone for the blog and the fandom blog. it might be back later if I don't like it, but I think it divides the posts better and makes everything more clear. also, more stars!! we always liek more stars!!
persepolis by Marjane Satrapi truly has an unique was of absolutely immersing every last reader who gets their hands on it. I got my ADHD dad who has not finished reading anything longer than an asterix comic in the past few years to start it, and he just went dead quiet and burned through the first like 5 chapters in one sitting. didn't even notice when I went upstairs. very important and good book, 10/10
didn't get time to update, but she confronted me about how terribly behind I am. my ex gifted kid ass immediately panicked at the idea of a teacher disapproving of my position and I started crying ☠☠☠ turns out she was genuinely concerned about if I was ok (ex gifted kid, what do you think) but the good news is that i got my EE?? yes I'm holding on by a thread
about to re-pitch a very hyperfixiation-fuelled EE to my supervisor. wish me luck, I'm about to talk about rats in "in case I make it,"
me and my sister have started a thing where we will randomly yell "GIRL GROUP" and then we need to pose like we're in a girl group, no matter what we're currently doing. my dad hasn't batted an eyelash & is just assuming that we're just like that
i'm cooking so hard with these shrines, yall aren't ready. there's MUSIC
yall j'ai trop la seum we had this english essay to write where you were supposed to choose one extract of persepolis of two and write an essay on it but I did the essay a few days after everyone else and the teacher DIDN'T TELL ME that you were only supposed to choose one, and so i accidentally tried to write a comparative and did not finish it, got 13/20 TwT I'm so mad about it lmao
Chicken is back in physics class and his first act was bully me for getting hiccups. glad to see life never changes! also cas sucks and I am removing stickers from library books so they can be sold ;-;
I have to create a website button, and then I'm probably going to join a few web circles lol. I already have two queued for when I've made it, transing the internet and bucketfish. I need connections lol I love talking to people
Chicken is out of Israel!! he should have landed back here a few hours ago!! he made the connection to crete, which means the tough part is well over. he's safe. thank whatever force is out there, he's safe.
this font not having capitals has starved you of the full glimpse into my insanity and has saved me from much humiliation because of my abysmal use of capitalization
trying to find blinkies which Missy would use for her shrine. this is actually helping me destress. so THIS is what comfort characters are for.
fighting with html templates to make a Missy shrine. to each his own way of calming down
and that too may have been a false alarm. he says that Israel is attacking Iran today, so everything might get a whole lot worse. I can't fucking deal with this
ok, this may seem like VERY QUICK after the last message, but good news!!! Chicken has found a flight out of Tel Aviv, and to crete, and from there a connecting flight back here!! he should be ok!! I'm genuinely so relieved!!! he's coming home!!
I don't like talking politics, and this is a bit more political than I'd like, but I need somewhere to dump this. I have this friend, Chicken, who is from Israel, and he joined the army so that he could go to university. he's 16. now this plan was all fine and dandy a while back, but now there's. well. the situation. he goes back to Israel during the holidays for militars service, and of course he went back two weeks ago. Easter holidays and all. well, they cancelled flights to and from Israel. he's stuck there, and will probaly be forced to continue his military service while he's there. I don't know what's happening in Israel, every source out there is polarized and no two agree on the situation, all I know is that I am scared for my friend's life. he might be able to get a flight out of Tel Aviv, but there's no guarantees. he's not even there with his family, just his grandmother. at least he has her. I really really hope he gets home safely. by another terrible coincidence, he was in Israel for a friend's funeral when the first Hamas attack happened. He only just made it out alive then, he got lucky. I really really hope he gets lucky again. what kind of fucked up army recruits 16 year olds?? what kind of fucked up world is it where my high school drama is WILL MY FRIEND DIE IN A WAR?? it's all so unfair. I don't know what to think.
haghdhfgdhfjdgfhg I'm going insane about Twissy again. it is TOO EARLY and school is in NOT LONG I CANNOT GO INSANE NOW
alright, despite the many real alarm bells going on right now, false alarm!! we good!! english oral is only due on wednesday!! unlike my EE first reflection, which was due last monday. I'm sure that's fine.
expect to hear less of me as of tomorrow, school is starting. much to my dismay. shit I need to check some submission dates. anyways goodnight yall
am I lowkey salty that some ppl with basically empty sites have like actual hundred times more views than me? yes, I am quite, in fact. yes I like ppl putting all their atteniton on me all the time yes that's how I thrive
remember kids, the html is more scared of you than you are of it
I'm considering changing art gallery to shrine gallery. basically instead of art dumping I would create subcategories for fandoms and ocs and make shrines for them, but like include my art too. maybe like one gallery which is dedicated to misc drawings, but since I produce so much fanart for everything the shrines would be justified. I might make some mockups for what a shrine would look like and decide then. also, the purple is reeeeeeeeeally growing on me. it might even be worth being mistaken for the sadgrl default I just love how it looks vapourwavey but not yknow??
we've got ourselves a custom cursor!! it's a casette!! if my mom knew, she would disown me lmao. despite bieng bron in the 70s she feels a solid zero nostaligia for casettes. I think she had one too many tapes stretch. I tried to figure out the hover thing and it's not working, so that's for another day I guess. also, strangely, it doesn't work when you're petting Seargant?? maybe because it links to an external site?? poor Seargant, unable to experience the full experience
lowkey I reeeeeeally want to make a melonland forums account
girl someone revoke my internet access I'm looking for more blinkies
probably going to put together a button, and then apply for the lesser known neighborhoods projects. before I do that tho I'm probably going ot make a final call on the colours of the blog, because the purple does look a lot like sadgrl even though I like it very much. if I do change it I'm probably going to go loud and/or vapourwave bc COLOURS!!
going to finish the maths homework I started yesterday and then probably post under fandom about the cybermen. objectively the best doctor who villain I don't make the rules. also, it's so hard to get me to shut up on here because on other sites I can tell people to stop talking to me or something, but on here it's just me yelling into the void. can you tell i get sidetracked easily & love the sound of my own voice (typing? blog? whatever I'm awesome)
going to Ash's house later!! their relatives were supposed to be there too but someone got pinkeye so it's just going to be me, them, and their immediate family so yay at least I'm not going to be intruding lol. (also some context: Norway and Ash are siblings but they have a big age difference & Norway is in uni and Ash is younger than me, hence why the Norwegian rewatch is only happening in late May. also, neither is norwegian. I will not be explaining my naming conventions)
I thought I was going to add one or two but I literally doubled my blinkie count someone please sedate me
I love blinkies so much it's an actual problem lmao bc I add like a bunch and then I have to update every last page. the new ones are only on home rn bc I'm going to try and get some sleep but I'll fix it in the real morning
morning yall, can't sleep. I really should since I got about 5 hours of sleep, but that's for later. instead I think I just want to update my blinkies bc I want more lol
I need to find the person who is making the david bowie moonage daydream blinkies on the blinkie cafe right now so I can propose marriage.
I have had this site for TWO DAYS and already promised art twice and drawn neither. I need to draw again, I'll go insane if not. expect Gomez!Crowley and Whittaker!Aziraphale tomorrow (likely will not deliver)
realizing that, despite hyping it up so much, I completely failed to post pictures from the tulip festival lol. here they are!!












it was absolutely gorgeous!! I haven't been to a tulip festival since before covid and I forgot how much I loved it. bonus, today was a beautiful day, it was amazing!!
"how many blog posts can a guy make in 24 hours??" the answer, as it turns out, is 12. I'm just glad this blog is up and running!! you'll probably hear from me less tomorrow (going to Ash's house) (going to start making up names for friends), and even less from me on monday when school starts again. but it's only 9pm so I'm porbably not done for the night haha.
on an unrelated note, my knee. it was still hurting this morning, so my mom gave me this cream to put on, and it works DISTURBINGLY WELL. like, my pain is just GONE. I'm happy that it doesn't hurt any more and everything but. what is this thing doing to my knee?? what kind of dark magic is happening where the pain just goes?? localized anasthetic?? cthullu blood?? I might be turning into a vampire. who knows
another site update: recommendations are on their way!! basically, it'll just be a page with shows / books / games / movies / etc. which i've liked and would recommend! the actual structure is going to be quite easy, the only real difficulty is filling the content, but hopefully I'll have it up and running in the next 2 days :DD
BIG NEWS FOLKS!! I FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO MAKE THE BACKGROUND BIGGER!! I know it should not have taken this long for me to figure this out but I'm very happy because it was seriously bothering me
tragically, seargant has staged a revolution.

this means I shall have to retreat to a small box on the home page while seargant runs this blog for the rest of eternity. sorry folks. this is seargant's personal blog now
I might go around and drop messages in other ppl's guestbooks because i need to talk to people. i'm that one extrovert everyone fears because if i don't have 1 trillion friends to talk to always and forever I WILL die instantly. literally a tamagochi.
anyone else remember windows minesweeper?? I used to play that with my grandad whenever he came over until that one update got rid of it. LOVED every second of it. my mom thinks i'm weird for playing minesweeper (different version) still today even tho it's like 30 years outdated. whatever, video games peaked with minesweeper (wants to be a video game developper despite playing very few games)
born to be silly goofy on the internet forced to do maths homework
the tulip festival was AMAZING!! I have maths homework but afterwards I'm going to post pictures like the pro blogger I am
I feel like I need to change these colours to distinguish myself from the basic layoutmaker, but I like them tho ;-; thing is, the purple, the space header, the vaguely spacelike background, I just look like sadgrl. but I think I'm doing something right?? my site has got quite a few more viewers than ppl who launched theirs around the same time as me?? did I distinguish it enough?? I got this site off the ground quite fast if i do say so myself, but even still, why me?? I'll assume it's my charming personality and dazzling good looks. anyways I need to get dressed, TULIP FESTIVAL!!! FUCKING LOVE TULIPS THEY'RE LIKE THE BEST FLOWER!!
I lowkey wanna make this website look less clean. I LOVE obnoxious neon colours!! I LOVE when things are messy!! I am not an aesthetic person!! but that comes with the problem of the seziure risk & it's just a lot of effort tbh. the aesthetic colours which lowkey look like the bi flag are staying for now. however you will pry the title font out of my cold dead hands. it gives me ready player one vibes and that's like one of my favourite books ever. SPEKAING OF, I need to put otgether the reccomendations page. might do that after the tulip festival. also, do people usually update their sites as much as I am?? i'm lowkey an attention whore and LOVE telling ppl everything about myself so it's not going to stop lol, tho I might look around out of curiosity
morning yall!! i just woke up actual minutes ago (i need like 10-11 hours of sleep to properly function, it's a nightmare) but my mom told me we're going to the tulip festival!! it's so awesome aaaaaaaaa!! basically the town two towns over fills its park with one tulip for every person who lives there. it's GORGEOUS and it has been TOO LONG since we last went tbh, I love it so much. it's going to be great!!
on an unrelated note, my sister just came into my room with her new jeans asking for help because they forgot to cut the buttonhole?? like, the stitching for it was all there and everything, there was just no hole. not going anywhere with this, it's just. fun facts i guess
probably going to log off for the night, it's getting late. I'm just happy this site is finally presentable!! tomoroow I'm going to start putting together the reccomendations page with stuff like books and shows I reccoemnd. I'm probably going to have to have a whole subcategory for doctor who episodes lol i have so many opinions. also my fandom posts so far lowkey make me look like a doctor who hater, i swear i'm not i just have strong feelings about chris chinball's style of writing (they are not positive). however expect me to be more complimentary soon, as i'm going to start rewatching either 10 or 12's seasons in late may with a friend! i can't wait aaaaaaa!! goodnight folks!!
holy shit no one should ever give me this much power over anything. bc i cannot html to save my life i'm manually typing out dates and times (don't judge ok ya boy is trying his best) but that means i could just gaslight everyone around me by modifying the dates on my posts. i could just go back to november a few years back and be like "isnt it crazy how the queen dies tomorrow??" and no one is bothering to archive my site and i could become the next prophet. i should start a cult tbh. i'm going to try to keep this as accurate as possible tho to give yall the most authentic glimpse into my mind
absolutely terrible way to kick this blog off but my knee hurts so so bad ;-; I hurt it in a skiing accident when i was 13 and it's like normally fine but it sometimes flares up and i guess today's the day. sitting with a bagpuss heatable plushie between my knees rn as i type this. i assume the universe must be smiting me for my amazing good looks which it just could not bear