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Loki and Baldur chat!!

date: 05/08/2014
found: 28/10/2024
god: Loki and Baldur
type: guide
class: special
minigarden combos

date: 04/10/2014
found: 28/10/2024
god: all
type: guide
class: other stuff
guide on which combinations get you which cutscenes in the miniature garden by retsuyachan. post reads as follows:
First things first: you need all the items. All characters, pass all the quizzes. Shouldn’t be too hard. Now for the events!
The first event is relatively easy. Place the character along with 2 of its accessories and its respective house into the mini garden. Poooooom you’ve got it.
Second is easy too. Take your character, its house, one of its items and another item from the same mythology. Like if you want tsukito’s 2nd event, throw him and his house in, his rabbits and one of takeru’s items. Voila!
3rd to 5th are headache but no worries, stick with me. I’ll go character by character. Note that all events you want keep the same character. Gonna get messy. It’s basically combination of everyone’s items.
- Apollon 3: apollon’s house+lanturn+table set
- Apollon 4: apollon’s house+koi pond+cloud swing
- Apollon 5: loki’s house+orange tree+popcorn cart
- Hades 3: hades house+rabbits+rocking horse
- Hades 4: hades house+wagon+pine tree
- Hades 5: balder’s house+rabbits+hammock
- Tsukito 3: tsukito house+fountain+rocking horse
- Tsukito 4: tsukito house+strawberries+wagon
- Tsukito 5: anubis house+coffins+lantern
- Takeru 3: takeru house+orange+table set
- Takeru 4: takeru house+lion+cloud swing
- Takeru 5: apollon house+camel+wagon
- Balder 3: balder house+orange+rabbits
- Balder 4: balder house+koi pond+lion
- Balder 5: hades house+pine+camel
- Loki 3: loki house+fountain+lantern
- Loki 4: loki house+strawberry+pine
- Loki 5: thoth’s house+lion+hamock
- Anubis 3: anubis house+orange+lantern
- Anubis 4: anubis house+lion+wagon
- Anubis 5: takeru house+rocking horse+coffins
- Thoth 3: thoth house+fountain+tableset
- Thoth 4: thoth house+koi pond +cloud swing
- Thoth 5: tsukito house+popcorn cart+strawberries
Alright PHEW. Now get collecting!!
how the minigarden works

date: 04/10/2014
found: 27/10/2024
god: all
type: guide
class: other stuff
guide by sweetremiks-blog. reads as follows:
a mini-garden walkthrough woo!!! (...) Finding it is pretty self-explanatory, because the menu’s in English. You’ll find it in the Extra menu on the main screen (though it doesn’t appear until you’ve finished at least one ending in the game)

soooo everything is in English up until you press triangle in the garden and it shows you this:

garden menu:
- Chibi Character
- My House
- Object
- Season
- Music
- Event
- Cancel
- X: close
Chibi Characters are earned by getting s rank in any difficulty in the mythology quiz after the sports festival chapter of a character’s route. Naturally, Hades route will give you chibi Hades, Loki route will give you chibi Loki, etc.
“My House” is just the name for the houses you can earn by getting s rank in the mythology quiz before either the fate endings or love endings (i.e. ch3 quizzes). Each type of ending has one color, but there are a total of four colors. You get the last two colors if you complete both love/fate versions of the ch3 quizzes on hard mode. You can see Loki’s candy house in my screenshot :)
Objects are earned after the first or second chapters of a character’s route. Doing the mythology quiz on hard will give you two versions of the object: still and animated.
Seasons are earned by getting s rank after the club activities/student council chapters.
Music is earned by… it’s just there I guess??? Though you can unlock character-specific songs after finishing one of their endings.
Events are mini story things that get unlocked after you put the right things together in your garden. Ex: put Hades and his objects and house together, and you’ll unlock one event for him. The fanbook has full details of which object combinations can get you what event. retsuyachan made a nice list of them here!!
(...) Now, when you press select instead of opening the garden menu, you get this “help” menu:

- d-pad: move camera
- square: follow character (camera moves with the character’s movements)
- start: make objects transparent (in case a character is behind one)
- L&R: zoom
So now you can examine the cute creation you’ve made!! Hope that helped!
all four 4koma!

date: 24/06/2014
found: 27/10/2024
god: all
type: 4koma
class: special