Date: 04/10/24 10:42
Tags: kamigami no asobi

been thinking about kamiaso and how it depicts loki & baldur's relationship a whole lot recently. it is absolutely the only adaptation i have EVER seen which actually stays true to baldur's characterization while depicting Loki as sympathetic. and deadass the way they went about that was REALLY GOOD. like. I genuinely really enjoyed the plotline of Baldur being a god of destruction but not knowing about it, but everyone else knows about it. deadass a good plotline. however its kinda overshadowed by this being a REVERSE HAREM DATING SIM

Date: 16/06/24 10:42
Tags: norse mythology; the bifrost incident; marvel cinematic universe; marvel Loki tv show; god of war: ragnarok

went on an enormous rant to mack the other day, felt like putting it here!!

OK SO something I've been thinking about a whole lot lately is the portrayal of Odin and Baldur in modern media, and how for some reason they typically get rewritten as evil. I don't have the biggest sample size for this, but I shall be going off of the marvel comics, the bifrost incident, oblique references to magnus chase, and god of war: ragnarok (a game i have not played but i have a friend who LOVES so i know a decent bit about it). and, like most things in life really, I think this is Loki's fault.

so, basically since we have known that the codex regius was a thing (since the 1600s ish) ( you my have to fact check me on that one for details), Loki was very much portrayed as absolute evil. his role in ragnarok (bringing the army of the dead to asgard's doorstep, fathering the evil trio) often got him compared to the christian devil, alongside the fact that he stands for literally everything religious extremists hate pretty much. and, because Odin was the god in charge, and Loki is semi-in charge of ragnarok, that must mean that they are opposed foes. and since Odin was the main god, that often meant he was seen as objectively good. however, at some point very recently, a historian threw a huge hammer in the works by pointing out "hey guys, actually the Aesir don't come off as very morally superior here. they're kinda dicks to Loki". so the whole vision of loki as even vaguely sympathetic is a very recent thing. this offered a very different perspective of ragnarok: instead of "brave king fights in vain to save his world", with the moral compasses flipped, it could be seen as "underdog hero overthrows tyrannical rule which has wronged them". the second is infinitely more relatable to your average guy. personally i think ragnarok is kinda an "everyone sucks here" situation, but moral absolutes are easier to consume in a mass market. and that's why I think this trend of Odin and Baldur being Evil kicked off.

i wanna talk about Baldur, because he is absolutely not your first choice for and evil character. he is literally the god of sunshine and happiness and everything good in the world. however, if you want to make Loki your protagonist, the first thing you really need to reconcile is the murder of Baldur. because it's basically irrational, Baldur had never done anything to Loki. so you need an excuse, and for some reason, a very common solution used to this is "oh Baldur was just evil, so Loki was right to kill him". this is true of the marvel comics, where Baldur is a tyrant king who took over after Odin, and therefore must be stopped at all costs. this is also true in god of war. I'm not sure about the specifics of Baldur there, but he is very much not a sympathetic character, and Loki kills him out of self defence. Baldur is barely referenced in tbi, but it is mentioned that he was killed by the second missile sent through the bifrost by Loki in an attempt to destroy the tracks and stop Odin from freeing yog-sothoth (cool detail: "missile two killed baldur" sounds almost exactly like mistletoe. i love the attention to detail in this album so much). here, no real moral value is given to Baldur, but it's framed as either a necessary evil to stop the Ratatosk express from running, or as a tragic accident which happened while Loki was doing the right thing to save the universe. Baldur doesn't appear in the Loki marvel tv show, another good way of protecting Loki's moral superiority. just make it not happen.

Odin also sometimes comes off as relatively unsympathetic, but I don't think that this is entirely because of Loki. it's because of the modern rekindling of interest in Thor.

I'm going to put this out there. I don't think Thor is designed to be a main character. he makes a very strong secondary character (a thing which tbi did quite well imo), but he doesn't have the complexity of Odin and Loki. while a lot of his myths survive, none of them are all that... major. a lot of Odin and Loki's myths contain some rather important worldbuilding, primarily around Loki's kids and Odin's visions of the future. a lot of Thor's myths are him flying to Jotunheim to hit things. the only real interesting interpersonal dynamic he has (a interpersonal dynamics being VERY important in modern media) is with Loki: they're friends. we don't hear much else from him, unlike Loki and Odin, who are just the menaces of asgard really. his character is generally unsuited to being a protagonist in pretty much every media form except one: Superhero comics, where the whole premise is people hitting things but with no major impact on the world so we can keep this series going for years and earn the pocket money of many waves of 12-year-olds (and me). and boy howdy did marvel run with it.

making Thor one of the main characters in the marvel comics paved the way for him to become considered basically the #1 god of the norse pantheon for a very long time. my parents told me that when they were kids basically no one knew about the norse gods from anywhere except the marvel comics. I'm not denying that he is a major figure, in fact mjolnir is one of the most common reoccuring motifs in our surviving artwork, but he is not really suited to a modern narrative.

Thor plays a major role which makes Odin less sympathetic: he is the prince of asgard. this means he could be considered as in competition with Odin for the throne. a reason for this which is often given is that Odin is a tyrannical ruler of some kind. paired with Loki playing a major part in his death, Odin must be portrayed as somehow morally bad if you want either of these characters to be protagonistic or sympathetic. this is ABSOLUTELY something which is done in a lot of media. in TBI, Odin starts ragnarok. even aside from that, Lyfrassir Edda implies she is a tyrant. since this is 80 years later than the end of her rule, this also suggests that history did not remember her as the best queen, seen as Lyfrassir would have learned about her in school. the other option is that he just didn't like the monarchy, but people who dislike the authority of the government typically don't become police officers. part of her many crimes were against Loki and Thor: she wiped Loki's mind, and lied to Thor that his friend had died. Loki seems favorable in this scenario, once again, we are conveniently glazing over the fact that she and her wife were actual terrorists (which Lyfrassir ALSO condemns). also, Thor is clearly an idiot, portrayed as overly violent and planning on taking over asgard with no clear plan. a terrorist and someone who wants to stage a violent coup are not exactly one's first choice of protagonists, but they are framed significantly better than Odin, which is a crucial part of making Loki a protagonist: for them to conserve an ounce of their original character, they are often portrayed as the lesser of two evils. sure, tbi Loki is a terrorist, but at least she didn't destroy the universe. sure, marvel comic Loki has done some wild betrayals, but at least he's not a tyrant (im not very sure what Baldur does in the comics tbh). I am still not an authority on god of war, but Odin is the main antagonist of the game: again this comes from Loki being sympathetic, one of the only sympathetic gods. Loki leads to Odin's death, so Odin must be evil.

And yes, Loki's motives for killing Baldur were entirely unclear. We have no mention of a grudge against Baldur specifically, he doesn't seem to have done anything beyond be everyone's favoritest boy (for Loki this is reason enough - he once murdered one of Aegir's servants because everyone was paying attention to the servant and not him, a similar situation to Baldur). Although there is an argument to be made that it could be considered vengeance for Odin taking his own kids (my own personal favorite interpretation), this has no real backup to it at all and is entirely speculation. And again, this is from someone born into a world of character driven stories rather than narrative driven stories, meaning how I perceive this is skewed no matter what. Also, we must remember that these are myths, not a concise narrative. It WON'T make sense, because this is just a cosmic game of "yes, and". So, as far as we know, Loki killed Baldur either for no reason or for attention, neither of witch are sympathetic at all. And yes, you made a good point about the anti-hero. So, for Loki (not a very good person) to murder someone, the murderee must be a REALLY BAD person.

Also I want to talk about how the show Loki does, in fact, snog his clone, and how this is actually part of a literary theme which had been in Europe since the middle ages, and in the middle east for longer (but AFTER the Vikings keeled over and died, so this applies only to reimaginings of norse myths & other adaptations): the ennobling power of Love. I mentioned this in the tags but didn't go any deeper, but this is also a major part of Loki's redemption.

Basically the ennobling power of Love is what it says on the tin: the mentality that if you are in love, you are somehow morally greater (As someone who is very close to aroace, I am not a fan of this tbh). This idea was medieval, but has very much perpetuated into the modern day, and is ABSOLUTELY used in modern media. SURE, Loki from the show almost destroyed New York and enslaved the entirety of the human race, but look!! He's in love with (checks notes) himself from a parallel universe but a girl so that despite confirming him bisexual we can keep him straight!! Tbi also absolutely does this. SURE, Loki and Sigyn are part of the Midgardian resistance, a terrorist organization, but they kiss each other while they fire missiles at Asgard!! I don't think God of war does this, but I don't know all that much about it. But this romance absolutely shows potential for moral absolution, making Loki a much more sympathetic protagonist. Like, even tho Mobius calls Loki and Sylvie's love twisted and unnatural, we (the audience) are clearly supposed to root for them. YES, it's forced, but they needed to make Loki fall in love with someone, and Sylvie was there.

Now, this does beg the question: why Loki? Loki is a very interesting choice for the ennobling power of love. In the literal first poem in the poetic edda, it is mentioned that Sigyn has fallen out of love with Loki. Although Loki fucks (a lot), romance doesn't make up a large part of his life or his myths. We never even learn how he met Sigyn or Angrboda. Neither even really appear in myths, except to mention that Sigyn is married to Loki & trapped in that cave, and that Loki and Angrboda had three kids outside of marriage. All of Loki's myths are pretty much him going on walks across the nine realms with Thor and/or Odin, and getting used for slapstick comedy. Not exactly the most romantic character. However, there is one thing which absolutely sets him up for portrayal as love interest of some kind, all the time forever: he is attractive. This is the only physical characteristic of his which is given to us (in the prose edda, may I add. Snorri Sturlson may very much have added it) is that he is conventionally attractive. No specific features are mentioned, so this could be perceived however the audience wants forever.

Attractive people are very much more likely to be considered as protagonists, and also for relationships. Odin is older (ew icky he's probably over 35 too), making him less protagonist material than Loki (waow he's probably super cute!! Let's make him much younger than Odin even though they are siblings & best friends). So, this attractiveness makes him the absolute perfect candidate for a protagonist.

Also I have thoughts about marvel Loki's whole "*puts on collar* I have been reconsidering the morality of my actions" thing, but that's not got any real mythological precedent it's very much just because marvel had to speedrun Loki's character development across every movie between avengers assemble and endgame in two episodes.

Date: 16/06/24 10:42
Tags: doctor who s12e08; Thirteenth doctor; chibnall era

09/10. why was i worried. i've been watching a bunch of 13th doctor episodes while on the trip, and they're still solidly meh, but the second Chris Chibnall leaves well enough alone, suddenly the episode is great. wouldn't ya know. but genuinely, I love ghosts so much, idk just tickles my brain. however the lone cyberman just is't really it?? I can still be sold, but haven't been yet.

Date: 03/06/24 22:37
Tags: doctor who s10e11; TWELFTH doctor; moffat era

guys. I am not normal about this episode. literally everything about it is perfect. I genuinely almost cried at Bill's death and I NEVER cry over movies (despite intense emotional investment). ALSO MISSY NO MY WIFE. bringing back JOhn SImm for this episode was so smart though, because he serves as a visual rperesentation for the past Missy can't escape. my god I have so many things to say so I think I'm just going to copy and paste what i said to mando over discord and make a live blog tab (where i just dump all the discord messages) for full insanity I can't recapture how insane i am about this episode. genuinely peak tv.

Date: 02/06/24 15:32
Tags: doctor who s14e05; fifteenth doctor; second rtd era

YALL THAT EPISODE WAS SO GOOD. I didn't expect to like this one tbh, I may have fallen to the "this episode will be those damn kids on their tictocs and their iphones", but it was actually amazing. genuinely loved it. also, using the colours to make the audience question why they're all white is actually so smart. I was wondering when ricky sunday showed up why everyone was so white too. the beginning of this season was rather bad but rtd is absolutely making up for it. the past few episodes have been so so good overall kasjdfhaklsdjfhalkdfjhakldfjahskldjfhasldkjf

also, next two episodes air when I'm in thailand

Date: 25/05/24 22:48
Tags: doctor who s09e02; Missy; moffat era

hey, hey. I'm going to do you a huge favour. turn on the witch's familiar. yes, that. go to 44:00 exactly. on the dot. you will be blessed with Missy with her hair coming undone. you're welcome.

Date: 25/05/24 22:48
Tags: doctor who s14e04; fifteenth doctor; second rtd era

BEST EPISODE OF THE SEASON. HANDS DOWN. LOVED THIS EPISODE. anyone who says that it was bad because of the unexplainedness is wrong. I'm almost sure that this is going to be explained soon. also, the two final episodes are going to air while i'm in thailand, which is going to be wild, I'm going to have to find time. but I loved the horror aspect of the episode, it was so good.

Date: 25/05/24 04:34
Tags: doctor who s07e01p01; third doctor


so as you can see, tis rather early right now. but I decided to watch the third doctor's episodes and man. they're certainly 23 minutes of television. I know that 73 yards is out right now (super excited!!) but yes this is what I'm actively doing with my time. anyways, not bad!! I do feel like I will prefer 4's era, because I have heard that 3 spends a lot of time in modern day earth, which isn't really why poeple watch doctor who, but I believe. don't let me down, 3. anyways still cooking with the thoschei shrine

Date: 12/05/24 01:18
Tags: eurovision 2024


Date: 04/05/24 08:47
Tags: doctor who s09exx; the husbands of river song; River Song rewatch; Moffat era; twelfth doctor

before the husbands of river song, I must make amends. turns out there was only one part to angels in manhattan. i feel lied to. i am a fool, and tis but my own fault. anyways, I adore this episode. 12 is the only doctor who can keep up with river. sorry but 11 was just too aroace for her. but that final scene?? the whole commentary on living happily ever after?? my heart. dear god my heart. and the two towers metaphor?? the monolith which doesn't love back?? ohhhhhhhhhh moffat you can pull through sometimes. and the SADNESS in 12's eyes. and river song matching that. dear god Peter capaldi and Alex kingston are such good actors it's unreal. the fact that they both know this is goodbye. i am going to violently explode.

Date: 04/05/24 08:38
Tags: the amazing digital circus s01e02; gooseworx

cringe culture is dead, the amazing digital circus is an absolute banger show in a vaccum. my favourite character is Jax, Sofi said he reminded her of me. I can lowkey see it lmao. also, justice for gummigoo. bro deserved so much better. prediction time: they get an npc revolution arc, with a bunch of other rpcs. also, I don't think Kaufmo ever existed. there is not a single 3d render of him which evre shows up, and all the pictures at his funeral looked like concept art. I think the entire gang has been there for a lot less time than they think they have, fake memories or something. UNRELATED BUT ARE WE NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT THE "SUBMISSIVE AND BREEDABLE" JOKE?? LIKE THEY DIDN'T OUTRIGHT SAY IT BUT THE FORMULATION??? AGREEABLE IS NOT FAR FROM BREEDABLE. also it looks like the pomni x ragatha shippers are getting what they want (i do not care who ends up with who tbh, it's a good show but not for shipping drama. shipping drama is never good. I am, however, an aroace Jax truther. you may be noticing a pattern here.) anyways, good episode. i really really hope we get more Jax in the future, he CLEARLY is hiding some kind of trauma, yall are right about that, and i need. to . know. he's my blorbo skrunglo skrinklo your honour and i want to see him beaten to an absolute pulp.

Date: 02/05/24 22:12
Tags: doctor who s06e01; doctor who s06e02; River Song rewatch; Moffat era; eleventh doctor

yall, these episodes broke me. because it's so clear, on rewatch, how close this is to the end. and if you look at the list, IT IS. this is the last two-parter on the list (it's missing some, but it gets the point across: we are nearing a close.) the only ones left are the angels in Manhattan two-parter and husbands of river song, and then boom. the quote "we're travelling in opposite directions. every time I meet him, he knows me more, and I know him less. and one day, I'll look into his eyes, my doctor, and he won't have the faintest idea who I am. and I think it's going to kill me." came for my jugular. because IT DID. SHE DIDN'T SURVIVE IT. Alex Kingston, your acting skills will be the death of me. they're still together, but she's clearly started mourning already. I just ksdfhkalsjfhaslkdfhbasjvcbjvhbvjsbvjkbvjksdfv love this episode so much. also, the aesthetics??? the mysterious astronaut rising from the ocean??? like this screenshot right here

the most aesthetic screenshot in all of doctor who and I will die on this hill. no question. It will forever go hard. the sheer MYSTERY of it is amazing. my first tiem watching it I was flabbergasted, and the same goes for the second time. just gorgeous.

another thing, Moffat strikes again with impressive foreshadowing. like genuinely. the whole pregnancy thing, a feasable time window in which Amy could disappear without anyone noticing, the doctro seeing the results to the pregnancy test and not showing the camera implying that he knew, amy worrying somethign would be strange about the kid, it's all so good. gerat episode, 7/10

Date: 19/04/24 09:26
Tags: Doctor Who; chibnall era

Just made various "#1 chibnall hater" blinkies and you best bet they're going up next site upheaval. he was the problem with seasons 11-13 and thirteen deserved so much better and I will die on this hill

Date: 19/04/24 09:19
Tags: Lemon Demon; view-monster

lowkey offended that Bill Watterson by lemon demon goes so hard tbh

Date: 18/04/24 09:31
Tags: Doctor who; thoschei

Mando yelled " ETHICS BE DAMNED LOOK AT THE DOCTOR AND THE MASTER, WHAT ETHICS DO THEY HAVE" VERY LOUDLY at the end of TOK and I actually left the room in embarassment ☠☠☠

Date: 17/04/24 22:38
Tags: Hawaii: part II; miracle musical; introduction to the snow

"you'll live forever tonight" [most epic piano solo you have heard in your life] (I am so normal about the piano in Hawaii pt 2)

Date: 16/04/24 20:59
Tags: doctor who; Moffat era; twelfth doctor; Missy; twissy


Date: 15/04/24 23:06
Tags: doctor who s10e11; Moffat era; twelfth doctor; Missy; twissy

so, I watched this scene again while putting together the Missy shrine (coming soon!), and I am literally SOOOOOO normal about it. The thing i'm going insane about specifically is the pronouns he's using for Missy. when talking about present day Master he uses she/her because that's what she's using right now, but when talking about when they were young, when Missy was Koschei, he uses he/him. BECAUSE HE'S STILL SEPARATING THEM IN HIS MIND. WHICH HE HAS BEEN DOING SINCE THE MASTER'S FIRST APPEARENCE IN THE SHOW. complete denial that Koschei has changed and fully become the Master, just refusing to accept it, so he splits them in his mind. he's viewing Koschei and the Master as two different people, and he doesn't want the Master. he wants Koschei back. and that's what he's trying to achieve with the whole spiel. and Missy is the same!! she's trying to bring theta sigma back!! hence the whole cyberman shenanigans, which she topped off with "I need my friend back". they're both grasping on an echo of people who they have convinced themselves are still there deep down, but they're gone, and neither can accept that. and the enidng of that clip is so smart, because it really points out how 12 got reckless. he put Nardole and Bill in danger for his experiment. and got Bill killed. these two are the absolute EPITOME of "they make each other worse".

but also, in this case, they both won. Missy and 12 affected each other sooooo much more than any other doctor/master duo. the doctor, even if he never knew, got Missy to finally stand with him, even when it was too late for anything to matter any more. and Missy made the doctor reckless and blinded to others except for her, to the point he got Bill killed. they're both so obsessed with each other that they got people around them killed (you know your relationship is toxic when OTHER people get hurt in the crossfire). also, in that clip, 12 is so dismissive of Bill. that's just the effect Missy had on him. Bill was very much saying she did not want to participate in the experiment, she did not want to be around Missy, and made it very clear how much Missy scared her, but he didn't listen. because he finally had hope that he might get Koschei back. HENCE THE QUOTE, "THAT'S THE TROUBLE WITH HOPE, IT'S HARD TO RESIST".! HE COULDN'T RESIST!! HE WAS SO BLINDED BY HOPE THAT HE IGNORED EVERYONE AROUND HIM COMPLETELY!! AND THIS IS THE SCENE WHERE HE REALIZES HOW FAR HE'S FALLEN, AND HOW THAT RECKLESSNESS HAS KILLED HER. HOLY SHIT THE GUILT MUST BE INTENSE. I'M LITERALLY SOOOOOO NORMAL ABOUT THAT SCENE.

Date: 15/04/24 07:25
Tags: doctor who s14; fifteenth doctor; second Davies era

In light of only one month until series 14 (!!) I'm placing my bets.

  • the doctor kisses a guy this season (next season latest)
  • the master doesn't show up this season, but does NEXT season
  • they don't actually use changes by Bowie, that was just to make my brain (me specifically) explode when they dropped the trailer

probably going to update this list closer to time, but that's it for now. In fact, I'm likely going to make a bingo card for it, like I did with Good Omens season 2 (which I DID GET BINGO FOR BTW)

Date: 14/04/24 18:12
Tags: doctor who; good omens; angels, demons and doctors convention

GUYS!! THE GUEST LIST HAS BEEN UPDATED FOR THE ANGELS/DEMONS AND DOCTORS CONVENTION!! WHICH I AM GOING TO!! the new list is here. I literally CANNOT WAIT!! SYLVESTER MCCOY IS COMING NOW!! I'm going with friend Mando, who has seen good omens but not Doctor Who (I'm going to convince them eventually). My mom got us both tickets as an early birthday gift and we're going to be flying out for the weekend!! I'm going to be late for maths calss, but whatevs, I'm GOING TO SEE DAVID TENNANT!! IT'S LITERALLY GOING OT BE SO COOL!! also, they published the MENUS TOO!!

there are some typos as Mando pointed out, but they deserve a break, whoever wrote the menu's first language is probably german. I'm going ot have to brush up on my own german for this too lol. I love how they immeidately vetoed tv accuracy by using hollandaise sauce for the fish fingers instead of custard. like sorry 11, but we're not subjecting a whole venue of people to that. it's going to be literally so much fun tho!! I actually can't wait!!

Date: 13/04/24 23:19
Tags: doctor who; norwegian rewatch; Moffat era; twelfth doctor

also, get ready for another rewatch series!! my friend Norway and I, after like a whole month of deliberation, are going to watch the 12th doctor seasons together. I'm the one who was supposed to make the choice of which doctor to watch for her because I'm the one who has seen the show, so of course my autistic ass made a comprehensive list of pros and cons for both the 10th and the 12th doctor. we eventually left it up to a coin toss. we're starting on the 31st of May, so look out for that!! I'll be tagging posts about it as "norwegian rewatch" btw

Date: 13/04/24 23:12
Tags: doctor who s05e05; River Song rewatch; Moffat era; eleventh doctor

this rewatch has really given me much more appreciation for Moffat's planning skills. I have many issues with his writing, but when it comes to mapping out a complex order of events, he gets it right. following River's chronological order also really helps you see her genuine character arc from trained killer to normal archaeologist, and it's actually quite well done!! Moffat writing an interesting woman in 2010?? shocker. anyways, the episode was quite good. not my favourite of his, but right now my main point of reference is chibnall's episodes, and I am still a proud chibnall hater (lowkey I should make a blinkie for that). on an unrelated note, the doctor is SO AROMANTIC CODED. like, all doctors are fuelled by aromanticism in their own unique way, but for some reason Moffat's doctors are supremely aromantic. anyways, next up is the impossible astronaut!! I actually quite liked the impossible astronaut / day at the moon my first time round. however, my favourite RIver Song episodes remain the 10th and 12th doctor's episodes with her (I may be biased), so I cannot wait until the husbands of river song

Date: 13/04/24 16:58
Tags: doctor who; River Song rewatch; Moffat era

chibnall is annoying me, so I'm going to continue my River Song rewatch!! basically, watching the episode in the order of River's personal timeline. I've already started and gotten quite far, so we're picking up in the middle lol. this is the vague guiding list I'm using:

yes I found it on pinterest, my least favourite site on the interwebs, but it's a good guide. also, very old, meaning it's missing some episodes. if any of you want to do this yourself the actual timeline is missing the angels in manhattan two parter, and then the husbands of river song, in that order, between day of the moon and silence in the library. I just watched time of the angels, meaning next up is flesh and stone!! side note, have you noticed River song appears in EVERY 11th doctor episode where there are angels? interesting coincidence & somethign I think if I think about it to hard I'll end up whipping out the conspiracy board lmao

Date: 13/04/24 16:58
Tags: Will Wood; the normal album; Outliars and Hyppocrates: a fun fact about apples

I'm literally SOOOOO NORMAL about outliars and hypoccrates haha literally no feelings about it. ESPECIALLY not "I am the shadows cast aside by gallows, and you the red-hot sky" and "Too weird to love, too scared to die, too alien to take you home". I'm completely normal about it and the imagery it casts. and absolutely not thinking about tensimm. aight facade drop, this song is so raw and honestly that's the beauty of it. it's screaming into the void, and it hits so close to home. it feels like a song about neurodivergency, and I might just be projecting there, but it's REALLY not hard to make that leap. it's all so houhgoidhfgoingfhfngfghfngfhgfhgfngfhghghgnfhgnfgh

Date: 13/04/24 14:46
Tags: good omens; doctor who

iqucrzngekszbxkjcgrkya I'm going insane over the concept of Michelle Gomez playing Crowley and Jodie Whittaker playing Aziraphale. they would work SO WELL. I MEAN LOOK AT THIS


I may have to put my ~artistic talent~ to work later and draw them. probably won't have the gallery up and running by then but I'll link to tumblr

Date: 12/04/24 23:58
Tags: doctor who s11e10; thirteenth doctor; chibnall era

Imma be real. i hate tooth guy with a passion. call me a hypocrite for having the gifypet with the weird eating animation on my homepage, but i absoultuely HATE TEETH. they're just so icky?? tooth guy aside though, it was quite a meh episode. and I lowkey feel that way about most of 13's episodes, and it's SUCH A SHAME. 13 had so much potential but I will forever be a Chris chibnall hater & yall are going to HEAR ABOUT THAT.

I have realized that that was the last episode in the season. THAT?? THE LAST EPISODE?? it felt very much like a middle of the season episode tbh. there was really basically zero buildup to it, just this guy who shows up in the first and last episodes. the buildup is what makes rtd era my favourite actually. like, the random comments about bees disappearing in s04, that kind of thing. it works so so well. moffat did it well too, especially in s08, what with showing missy at the end of every episode. there's just no BUILDUP to ANYTHING in this season. i'm so sorry 13 you deserve so much better

Date: 12/04/24 22:34
Tags: missy s03e03; doctor who; big finish

this episode was fucking amazing. and also felt lowkey like a reality tv show?? 5 idiots in a big villa getting into and falling out of relationships with each other except instead of a whole season of love island they're in the 16th century & speedrunning the drama in one night. stunning. amazing. what more could you want. also the post-credit commentary where Michelle Gomez says it would work well onstage? it would actually work SO WELL. i can absolutely picture this being played onstage, especially the scene in the hallway. peak comedy tbh. I absolutely want to draw Missy and the Monk they are the absolute worst companion duo they're so amazing. BUT THAT CLIFFHANGER THO?? WHAT THE HELL?? I DESPERATELY NEED SEASON 4 I CANNOT WAIT FOR IT TO COME OUT