what is this?

so. kamigami no asobi

I will get this out of the way immediately. kamigami no asobi is not good. there is no universe where it is good.


Rocketman: I first watched this movie in music class when I was wayy to young for it. I rewatched it recently, and I am beyond glad I did. This movie is the biography of elton John. artistically, this movie is gorgeous. the COLOURS!! THE CHOREOGRAPHY!! THE MUSIC!! MY GOD THE MUSIC!! I MEAN WHAT ELSE DO YOU EXPECT FROM ELTON JOHN!! this film is probably my favourite film ever, hands down. 13 year old me was wrong with his opinions. (however you may want to check out doesthedogdie on this one)

ghostbusters (2016): put your pitchfork down this instant. this movie was my favourite movie for years. it's funny, has good special effects, and there's ghosts. I am a simple man. I love this remake.

TV shows

Doctor Who: now. you need a special breed of autsim to thoroughly enjoy this show. but holy shit is it good. this show will be all "haha we're the silly goofy alien show!! look at how lighthearted this is :333" and then tears your heart out of your chest with the most tragic deaths, departures, and the most soul-crushing depictions of trauma and other pasts. If anyone ever says "I don't wanna go" to me irl I will sob my eyes out instantly. also, I'm going to have whole section of doctor who recommendations later on, because this universe is such a microcosm with the honestly insurmountable amount of content in it.